Muscle & Fitness Cover October 2017


Extremely proud to grace the October 2017 front cover of Muscle & Fitness in the U.S. This is a huge milestone for me, as a regular reader of M&F for many years, on 13th June 2012 I posted a photo of my M&F magazine collection with the caption 'At some point I WILL be on the front cover of this magazine' When I said this I wasn't wishing or hoping, I was making a declaration.


At some point I WILL be on the front cover of this magazine.

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At the time I made that post you probably had never heard of me, (if you have the time, you could scroll through to find the post and you'll see it has about 100 likes) I had not built the following I have now.

So what would give me the confidence to make such a statement, and most importantly BELIEVE IT! Well I have this notion that if truly want something, are prepared for every step it will take to achieve it, irrespective of the duration of the journey, then you will reach whatever goal you train your sight on.

As cliche as it may sound, this way of thinking has proved fruitful for me on many occasions. Please understand, your declaration does not have to be public, essentially it is an acknowledgement within yourself that you are capable, patient and determined to achieve the goal.

Whatever you are working towards, do not hope or wish for it, own it in your head, see it as already yours, it's only a matter of time...and hard work of course :-)

You can find my Muscle & Fitness cover with full interview at all good stores throughout the U.S. and here


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